Old Bulletins

Old bulletin board
Nov. 15th, 2012
The Coach is...less than pleased
Once again, the Po'keh Monsters' Head Coach refused a press conference. However, this time he refused to give a statement.

However, a seance was held over the reporter's corpse and his spirit claimed that not only would the Coach follow through on his threat to halt the elf torture sessions, but they were on an all-liquid diet since they p***ed away their match anyway.
- Moore
Oct. 27th, 2012
The Coach is pleased
Following the Po'Keh Monsters' match, the Coach gave the following statement:

"Dere are many words ta describe my t'ots on dis match... 'rout', 'one-sided', 'Deathroller'd'...but da one I would use is 'satisfactory'. Char is Hard was a scorin' somethin'-or-other an' our Chaos-Warrior-Plus-One squad stepped up on da carnage, encouragin' even da ball handlers ta get in on da action.

"I was gonna announce dat we needed a new chef since da team was allowed ta eat dis one, but den da chef announced he wuz servin' Frogs' Legs an' da team let 'im live.

"Of course, not dat da team showed wut I always knew dey had, I expect nothing less of em next week or da Elf torture sessions will be cancelled."
- Moore
Oct. 12th, 2012
Coach gives mixed reviews
The Po'Keh Monsters' Head Coach was disinclined to grant an interview following the team's 3-2 loss in OT after Char is Hard threw away the game on an interception. He did, however, issue the following statement:

Da team showed a huge improvement over last year, beatin' da snot outta da imaginatively named 'Reggie's Humans'. Still, a loss is a loss, an' da team is gonna be subjected to vegan meals until da next match. If dey win, I'll let em eat da chef!"
- Moore
Sep. 11th, 2012
New Coach promises changes next season
The Po'Keh Monsters revealed their new Head Coach a few weeks ago, and was disappointed in what he saw.

He has informed the team that if performance does not improve next season, the medieval torture devices will be removed from the team lounge and the new uniforms would be pink.

(Needless to say, the team is fired up to improve during the off-season)
- Moore
Po'Keh Monsters
Race:  Chaos Chosen
Coach:  Moore


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